The Message in the Mess

Well blog fans, it’s been a year this month since we started the blog, and what a year it has been!  We’ve seen Landon do so many things we never thought he would!

Graduate Pre School

Celebrate his 5th birthday

Go to Disneyworld again

Be apart of a trike a thon

Sing a special at church

Play arcade games at Chuck E Cheese

Play X Box

Swing on a swing set

Go down a slide

Go to a baby shower (2 actually, and he loves them because there is cake)

Get in a bouncy house

Pet a baby tiger

Play the harmonica

Go to a pumpkin patch

Ride on a boat

Be a bridal announcer

Go to the Zoo

Get his first pirate sword

Receive his first medal (for memorizing his Bible verses in Sunday School)

I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but it has been a big year in the life of Landon! Looking at this list I had to ask myself, “If Landon didn’t have SMA, would we be as thankful for some of the things on this list?” If he didn’t have SMA, would I even remember the first time he got to go in a bouncy house or go down a slide? SMA has taught me to savor each moment.

People always say “You’ve got to live like you’re dying.” Well, I must admit, I’ve never done that.  I have, however, had to live the last 5 years like someone very dear to my heart may not be here tomorrow.  I have to tell you, I don’t know about living like you were dying, but I have gotten more joy from doing everything I can to make Landon happy, than I ever could have trying to make myself happy.


The Bible says in Acts 20:35 “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  I know a lot of times we use this as a cliché around Christmas time, at least I do.  “Well Aunt Sue always gets me a pair of socks, but I’ll get her a nice gift anyway because it’s better to give than receive.” I have often been guilty of using this scripture to tell myself I’m an amazing human being for getting “Aunt Sue” a $25 gift card to Bath & Body Works instead of a $5 candle out of the clearance bin at Target.  Call me crazy, but I don’t think that’s what Jesus was talking about.  I have known more happiness in the last 5 years by doing everything I can for Landon, than I ever thought possible. God has used Landon to teach me the true definition of loving selflessly.  The scripture is so true, Landon’s joy has blessed my life so much more than any joy I have tried to gain for myself.  Ask anyone that’s around Landon, when you see that crooked grin light up his face, you can’t help but be filled with joy.  When we took him to Chuck E Cheese, there were several times my face literally hurt from smiling so much because Landon was having so much fun.  His joy, brings me joy.


That kid? He’s my whole world, and living like your whole world may not be here tomorrow?  It teaches you so many things.  To be selfless, to find the beauty in every little moment, to love recklessly, and to be grateful for each day.  Sometimes it’s really hard to see the lesson God is trying to teach us in the midst of our trial.  Sometimes, we may never see the full impact our trial has on someone else’s life. I’m sure the lame man in the Bible that struggled for 38 years by the pool of Bethseda would have never guessed that 2,000 years later, there would be a family of a precious 5 year old boy that would gain immeasurable hope and strength from his story.

The Bible says in Job 23:10 “But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” It’s hard sometimes to see what God is trying to teach us, or how He’s trying to use us in the middle of our circumstance;  but He is, and He knows what we need, even when we aren’t sure ourselves. The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by your situation, don’t forget to look for the message in the mess.


Living, laughing, and loving,



5 responses to “The Message in the Mess

  1. as usual leeanna rae you have touched my heart and caused me to think beyond the mess. love you my grandaughter . you are a gift from GOD to everyone your around.

  2. I have not been blessed by Landon directly but I have known Drew and Darren through school and now I have the pleasure of working with the two of them. This story touches my heart more often than they kbow and I think that each of u are incredibly strong and amazing people. True u r so very blessed to have Landon in ur lives but he is blessed to have all of u.

  3. Wow, love it! Lee Anna, you certainly have a way with words. Even if I hadn’t seen all of you with Landon and know how very much you love him, it is very evident in your powerful and inspiring blogs. Landon is as lucky to have such loving and committed people in his lives as are all of the people who have Landon to touch and inspire them on a daily basis.

    Every day that Landon is here is a gift from God, just as Landon is a gift himself. May you have many more days to live, love, and laugh with Landon. As you begin year number two on your blog. I can’t wait for him to see his very own pumpkin that was accidently grown as a result of the crazy next door neighbor leaving her pumpkin waaayyyyy too long!

  4. This blog is so inspiring. I was working with Bethany when Landon was first diagnosed. I know that God gave him to your wonderful family for a reason, because he knew you and your family would take wonderful care of him. He is a very special little boy! You and your family are amazing. I hope if I am ever in such a situation that I could do just half as well as you all.

  5. Well Ms.Leeanna.You have yet once again made me cry,No not cry sob,actually had to cover my mouth so everybody would think I have lost my mind …You are wonderful.i love you all …

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